Why Cuba?
With an area of 109 886.19 km² and a population of more than 11 million inhabitants, Cuba is the largest country in the Antilles and has the largest internal market for the Caribbean islands, with a forecast of expansion throughout the decade. A set of factors position it as an attractive investment place.

Why invest in Mariel?
ZED Mariel provides a world-class production and logistics platform for the establishment of companies, whose productions and services can be traded in the domestic market or exported, and will benefit from the regulatory framework, incentives and friendly business environment. Financial Times fDi magazine awarded ZED Mariel as winner in the category of BEST ZONE TO CONSIDER IN THE FUTURE in the Best Global Zones of the year 2017 competition (GFZ17).
The Cuban government has invested an average of 300 million USD per year in the development of high standard infrastructure which are already available for investors.
Water supply, sewage and rain drainage networks have been developed. Current water availability is 300 liters per second.
There are modern treatment plants for non-harmful liquid waste, located in various areas, in accordance with the nature of the waste generated in each area. A comprehensive system of solid waste management is currently being designed.
It is the most modern in the region, located in a deep water port and designed to operate Neo Panamax ships. Its current capacity is 822,000 TEUs, with future potential to reach 3 million TEUs.
The Zone is linked to the rest of the country and internally through primary, secondary and tertiary roads.
The new double-track railway, which began operations in July 2014 for the transportation of cargo and passengers, connects with the rest of the national rail network.
Connection by optic fiber
Broadband Internet
Commercial Office
Decree Law No. 313/2013 establishes the Special taxation regime of the Zone, with a number of tax exemptions and reductions.
During the first 10 years of operation 12% thereafter
On imports of means and equipment for the investment process
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